Livres sur la technologie
- Andrew Tanenbaum " Structured Computer
Organization " Prentice-Hall 1984
- Andrew Tanenbaum " Operating Systems. Design and
Implementation " Prentice-Hall 1987
- Andrew Tanenbaum " Computer Networks " Prentice-Hall 1989
- François du Castel "Les
Télécommunications" X. A. Descours 1993
- Michael S. Malone " The Microprocessor, a
Biography " Springer-Verlag 1995
- Bertrand Gille " Histoire des
techniques " Gallimard La Pléiade 1978
- Paul Carroll " Big Blues, the Unmaking of
IBM " Crown Publishers 1994
- Paul E. Ceruzzi "A History of
Modern Computing" MIT Press 1998
- André Lebeau "L'espace en héritage" Odile Jacob
- Tracy Kidder "The
Soul of a New Machine" Atlantic-Little, Brown 1981